Have you ever set time aside for what the kids call “grounding”?
While out on walks with my dog, I used to find big trees and hug them.
With my arms wrapped around them, one lady walked up on me, stopped in her tracks, and asked if I was hiding. But I was grounding.
It came onto my radar in 2020 and, as a Virgo, it felt intuitive.
There’s now a movie about it, called The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding. Dr. Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D., sees it as essential. “We need grounding just like we need air and sunshine.”

How to Ground Yourself: Here are the Best Ways
Grounding, also known as earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body. There are various grounding techniques, including the use of grounding mats and grounding patches, which can help you connect with the Earth’s natural energy.

1. Visualize a cord from your body going down to the core of the Earth (best for winters)
a. The body has 7 main energy centres, the heart being at the centre
b. Make sure you visualize pure white light from above your head pouring down into each and every chakra, from top (crown) to bottom (directly below the tailbone) and then down to your toes

c. While keeping your eyes closed, visualize the light reaching your toes and hitting the floor, illuminating the whole floor, and then down to the earth
d. Send your love down through the surface of the floor, the earth, the regions below the earth, right down to the core of the earth
e. Let the core of the earth take all of your worries, thoughts, and dissatisfactions away (it wants to help)
f. Once you’ve connected with the core of the earth, picture a bright green light rising from the surface of the earth, enveloping your entire body, and through to your head
g. When the light reaches your head, it keeps going upward, reaching three feet above your head
h. This cloud of green light then spreads from above your head, in all directions, three feet around your body, reaching below your body
i. Once the bubble of green energy is complete, feel Unconditional Love pouring through your crown chakra going directly into your heart chakra
j. Unconditional Love and green earth energy are mixing at the heart chakra and mixing, spreading to your entire body, to give all positive things for your life, your health, and your spiritual improvement
k. Even when you stop this exercise, the grounding techniques work to continuously flow Unconditional Love and green earth energy through your body, promoting overall well-being.
l. Move your fingers slightly, and open your eyes, with a happy smile 🙂

2. Hug a tree (the most effective)
a. This may be the best way to ground yourself
b. Simply hug a tree like it is your long-lost lover! (The effects are profound)
c. Better yet if you can remove footwear and have your feet on the ground, making a direct connection with the earth.
d. Do it for at least 60 seconds and thank me later

3. Be in moving water
a. Swim laps with focus on how the water feels against your skin
b. Stand where ocean waves break around your legs
c. Wade into a stream and feel the current around your ankles

4. Take advantage of your time with children and pets
We all come naturally grounded to Mother Nature. Our birthright is to be in sync with the earth’s rhythms. Kids have absorbed and ingested less of what ails us. Dogs ground themselves every time they go outside (no need for shoes). Hugging them is a great way to ground yourself while indoors. Dogs will then release that energy through their paws outside. Spending time with children and pets can also help reduce emotional stress, as their natural grounding abilities can have a calming effect on your mind and body.

5. Have your feet touch ground (the simplest)
Best to do in the early hours of the morning. While standing in nature, pour water onto your bare feet and feel yourself being rooted.
Does it have health benefits?
“In simple terms, what earthing does is it literally squinches the fires of inflammation and if inflammation is the source of all root illnesses including Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, heart disease, diabetes… I mean the list goes on and on. If you can impact inflammation and squelch it, kill it, stop it… we’re going to be healthier beings.” – Dr. Stephen Sinatra, M.D.
“Our body is electrical. This is all electronic equipment. The heart, the brain, the body. I mean, this is all electrical equipment. It’s all electrical. Everything is electrical … Grounding is to maintain the entire system in a stable and electrical environment … Health is not something we really have to work on. We have to let it be. We have to take the things that are interfering with our health, that are compromising our immune system, and remove them from our life, and then the body will go back to normal.” – Clint Ober
“To know that there are solutions, and there are solutions in nature. One of the biggest solutions is that connection to nature. And people forget that first! It’s sad. Because it is so accessible, and it is so real to know that a grounded me or a grounded you is different from the one that’s not connected. And that’s what grounding does. It pulls you in, to who you are.” – Mariel Hemingway, grand-daughter of Ernest Hemingway
The effects of grounding on immune response
Energetically, grounding makes you feel lighter. Like our dogs, it is a way to put our paws on the grass and may be one of the most underrated hygiene habits you can do. We pick up so much energy that we can’t see with our eyes, and it weighs on our system. With this pill for every ill society I personally have grown up in, I tell people it feels like taking a drug. But this time, it honours our ancient roots, and that’s how Mother Nature intended it to be.