Hey there, welcome to my Gaia review!
Gaia’s been on my radar since 2020 when the ads on my YouTube feed piqued my interest enough to finally buy a yearly subscription. I’ve now spent 100+ hours binging on how to learn about spirituality, meditation, and ancient wisdom featuring the most trusted names in the world from my phone, the big screen, on breaks from work, while cooking, and pretty much everywhere else you can imagine.
In this review, you’ll get the inside scoop on what Gaia is all about, from someone who actually pays for their service. I’ll break down all the most important details and answer every important question you need to know. That way, you get an accurate picture of what’s included, the things you can learn, and the overall price-to-value ratio BEFORE BUYING based on my quarantine binging.
Let’s take a deep dive, and I’ll let you decide.

The Netflix of spirituality. Paying for Gaia means your search is over for finding top-shelf, professionally-produced spiritual entertainment outside of the mainstream media narratives. YouTube can try to compare, but go ahead and try to sift the wheat from the chaff. Gaia is a one-stop shop for everything on your spiritual journey. How about the savings of not having to pay separately for a meditation app? Gaia constantly updates their content library and their app lets you stream on any device, meaning you don’t have to search for spiritual content anywhere else. It’s basically the same price as Netflix, but it actually makes you smarter instead of dumber.
Be your neighbourhood sage. Gaia will have you strengthening your connection to Mother Earth. The company’s mandate of going beyond what modern science and research are telling people will put you on the cutting-edge of information. What if friends and family started coming to you for advice on their spiritual journeys? Take it from me, after consulting dozens of doctors and specialists, the goofy-sounding man seen below helped to save my brother’s life. (e.g. watch Heal)
Insane value for your money. $150 for unlimited access to 10,000+ hours of ancient wisdom from experts is amazing value. “Life changing” are words that come up multiple times if you look in the review section for Gaia in the Apple App Store. If there was ever a University of Spirituality, Gaia would be it. Unlimited access for $150? Keep in mind that one university course costs $300-400 at minimum. This is $150 for a giant leap in your spiritual growth.
Paralyzed by choice. With over 8,000 films on a variety of alternative media subjects, you’ll have to use the discernment of an FBI agent to decipher what’s good (for your level of understanding) and what’s not. Gaia employees will tell you their content library makes for a “choose your own adventure” game. My advice: be decisive. When I first joined, I had paralysis by analysis. Topics include health and healing, nutrition, expanded consciousness, ancient civilizations… the list goes on. It can be daunting just knowing where to start. May I suggest The Earthing Movie?
Interviews can be hit or miss. With now 29 seasons of Open Minds with Regina Meredith, they are beginning to reach (if you ask me) for new topics to discuss. The Galactic Federation of Light? Sign me up to learn more about that. Palmistry? Not so much. And though the host is what some may call a consummate professional, a friend pointed out to me that she is “very much in her masculine.” Open Minds may be the biggest success of any series on Gaia, but I have a low tolerance for interruptions of a guest. It’s a good thing the stories make it worth the watch. Case in point, the interview with Anita Moorjani.

Quick Verdict
Is it worth it? After years of being a Gaia member, yes, it is worth it.
What is the key takeaway? You’ll get out what you put into it. This is not the type of streaming to play in the background while you’re cooking. Respect to you if you can manage it. But this is highly concentrated juice, if you know what I’m saying.
What are the key selling points?
- Hours of healthy, enriching entertainment that double as a helping hand for you to achieve inner peace and a more conscious life
- Life-improving tips every day
- A thousand spiritual books, all on one platform
- Fun and interesting stories you’d never hear anywhere else
- Tips on how to develop a spiritual practice that is right for you
Objections to paying for Gaia?
It looks expensive, but it’s actually not. $150/year is less than $0.50/day for science that is decades ahead of its times. The Heal and Earthing documentaries can open you up to a whole new paradigm, just on their own, and the price of transforming even just one human life is priceless.
What are some minor criticisms?
Some of their older content is still available to watch. Maybe you won’t like the production value of Angel Stories – Part 1, which looks like it was made in the 1990s. Or, if you’re one to peruse the comment section, many of them aren’t in English. (Although you can get the gist of “Asombroso !! gracias 🙂 “) If you’re a true beginner to spiritual content, the selection can be overwhelming. Again, I suggest sticking with what you love first. (I just found out that Gaia has a whole Food Network-esque section under ‘Recipes’.)

At the end of the day…
When you combine its Library of Alexandria-like catalogue of yoga videos, meditations, documentaries, and an in-depth guide to different belief systems, it makes Gaia a no-brainer. Their immense variety gives light to the truth that we are all the same, but we are not equal. Any spiritual person is guaranteed to find something that resonates. Plus, there’s a 7-day free trial. Why not? You’ve got nothing to lose.
Who is it for?
You’ll love Gaia if:
- You’re fed up with the news-at-eleven mainstream narratives fed through TV and newspapers
- You’re thirsty for knowledge, and like me, constantly seeking for the right answers
- You feel grateful about being in communion with like minded people
- You want to grow spiritually
You won’t love Gaia if:
- You are actually looking for in-depth training for a certain skill (e.g. a certification for being a shaman)
- You don’t watch at least 10 videos (You need to get your money’s worth)
- You don’t consider yourself to be a spiritual person
- You trust the government

Product Overview
What is it? Gaia is an online streaming video service and community dedicated to providing transformational media to those seeking a fully awake and aware life.
What is the key benefit? Their exclusive videos go beyond the boundaries of mainstream media to reveal new and enlightening perspectives to help you thrive in this rapidly changing world.
What does it do? Encouraging the exploration and growth of your mind, body and soul, Gaia provides new angles on life/history, collective wisdom and the content to make real-life changes.
How is it different from competitors? Gaia is unique in its field. Consisting of carefully curated high-vibrational content, the ‘Netflix of spirituality’ will raise your consciousness, not lower it.
Personal Opinion
Before giving it a shot, I assumed Gaia was “too advanced” for my taste. After subscribing, I now see how a thousand miles begins with a single step. Picking one thing at a time (and adding the rest to your ‘Watch Later’ playlist) is my recommended way to go about using Gaia.
The benefits for me have been:
- Clarity of why spending time in the sun is a good thing, what makes our skin turn red while outside, and how communing with the natural world is healing
- Learning about (God-given) experts who have dedicated their lives to the mind-body connection (e.g. Dr. Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden)
- Seeing that modern science does connect with ancient sciences (e.g. astrology and numerology)
- Exploring the possibility that humans have much more than just the five senses of touch, sight, taste, feel, and smell
- Confirmation that (real) food is medicinal
The proof of those claims:
- My brother’s recovery from what has medically been labelled ‘fibromyalgia’. Turns out, this is stage 4 EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) wreaking havoc, not your body hurting itself.
- Cutting out seed oils (especially canola oil) from my diet has done wonders for my skin
- Cutting out tap water, combined with daily meditation, have helped open my third eye, increasing my intuition (the highest form of intelligence)
- Learning about myself and others by breaking down their life path number (using numerology), which makes for an AMAZING party trick
- The personal growth alone: comparing me, versus who I was five years ago, is like night and day
My experience:
The absolute best thing, to me, about Gaia, is its heart-opening content. Everything else is secondary. We are here to remember our divinity, very much like Jesus came to show us his own. In the bible, John 14:12 states, “I tell you most solemnly, whoever believes … will perform the same works as I do myself, he will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father.” The Father (or higher power), Gaia confirms, can only be accessed with an open heart. What I’ve found about Gaia is that its spirit and its content goes well beyond religious traditions (which are all man-made) and is primarily concerned with empowering me, and all other human beings, to step into the walking, talking, breathing gods that we are (we’ve just forgotten!).
Features Breakdown
Gaia Yoga videos and instructors will save you many years of going down wrong paths. Find the teachers that resonate with you: there are now 96 to choose from! If you’re starved by choice, narrow it down by choosing duration time, ranging from 5 minutes for a quick morning pick-me-up, to 90 minutes, if you’ve got time in your schedule. Levels go from 1 to 3, so that beginners know where to start. As if that’s not enough, there are 43 categories to choose from, from neck, to spine, to stress reduction. There are over 50 videos tailored to women and over 30 for athletes. In this regard, Gaia Yoga makes your $150 investment look like a cup of coffee, considering you get access to these videos for one year. Compare this to doing yoga on YouTube with ads, or paying $20/month for yoga apps with lower ratings.

As a beginner to yoga, their visual library of the poses, paired with their 5-minute quick hitters, makes Gaia a great place for me to start to practice without having to make a fool out of myself at an in-person studio.
Clicking on the ‘All Meditations‘ tab can be equally overwhelming for someone new to Gaia. Good thing you’re there to meditate! It takes just one full video to realize Gaia has made it so that members can stay subscribed for years and not tire from a lack of options. Pick the ones that jump to you. For me, it was Ram Dass. His beautifully-produced five videos are about five minutes each. One of them is titled ‘No One Way’, which perfectly describes the diversity of Gaia’s meditation catalogue. There are sound baths, hypnotherapy audios, guided meditations and more, to help you tune into the present moment. Their selection is special because, compared to other meditation apps, it honours both East and West. This is how Gaia gained such a global audience to begin with.
The meditations help me to reset between my regular sits to start and end my day. The best use of Gaia’s meditation library is to lift you to a place which is above thought, sitting with nothing but silence.
“Fast forward to 22:47 of Bilderberg: The Movie and you’ll find it interesting that the movie was made in 2016.”

Now for Gaia’s bread and butter, if you ask me. There is no other platform that would allow the stuff Gaia puts on their front page. Fast forward to 22:47 of Bilderberg: The Movie and you’ll find it interesting that the movie was made in 2016. Try having that last more than a day on YouTube without being taken down. With Gaia, you also lose the censorship that you see on Netflix. If you’re a fan of coverup stories, paranormal activity, or the occult, you’ll be wondering why they don’t charge more. They can afford to; they’re the only ones pumping this stuff out. Interested in health and healing? Go off the court with Novak Djokovic, where he credits a drastic change in diet to becoming world no. 1.
Gaia is where videos don’t get shadow banned. Their content has opened my mind. As a result of some seriously soul-resonating truths, I’ve stopped watching the news. Where else can you find documentaries about fluoride in our water, ETs on Earth, and ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’ all in one safe place? As a Virgo, there are few things sweeter than entertainment that is actually educational.
Like mother goddess of earth, Gaia has a lot to reveal. If you’re looking to cultivate more of an inner knowing, want to invest in your own personal journey, or are looking to understand spirituality, Gaia gives you a great place to start (and accelerate). Their unfiltered content are your eyes to a world around you that most people can only ever get by experiencing. If you’re a person who has ever asked the universe for truth about what’s going on in this world, consider this an answer to your prayers.
I strongly recommend Gaia be in the home of all conscious families, so that kids these days can be unaffected by the fear and negativity designed to stymie them. I recommend Gaia to anyone on a healing journey, so that they use the medicine found in grocery stores (herbs and food) to give their bodies the ‘premium gasoline’ it deserves and easily avoid the pitfalls of corporate agendas. I recommend Gaia to you, the reader.
Here’s my proof: increased consciousness and higher awareness of myself (and the world) will have foundational effects on my whole life. Gaia’s commitment to provide content to make real-world changes have changed my diet, my interests, my community, spiritual health, and in a word, my lifestyle. In a way, Gaia is not for the faint of heart (but neither is spirituality). You’ll lose friends, that’s the biggest objection. A relationship doesn’t have to be permanent to be successful. Neither does the one you have with your old self. Make that the one you knew before Gaia. Once you see the truth, you can’t unsee it.
If you’re wondering how to learn about spirituality, often, that intuitive pull is coming from a higher place. And yes, it requires an investment. “Those who pay, pay attention.” You *did* get to the end of this article, after all… isn’t that you?
If you’re not convinced, let’s finish by taking a look at some other options.
Remove the spirituality, the yoga, and the integration of different belief systems, and you’ll land on Netflix (for roughly the same price). The key difference here is intention. The people at Netflix are experts in pure entertainment, to captivate for captivation’s sake.
You’ll prefer Netflix if:
- You love to veg out
- You want the end of the day by ‘turning your brain off’
- You like having movies run in the background while you do chores
In short, Netflix wants to entertain you. Gaia wants to entertain you, plant a seed in your personal spirituality, and uplift collective consciousness. Only on Netflix will you find two separate documentaries acclaiming and villainizing the same subject (Bill Ackman, in both Betting on Zero and Dirty Money). Gaia gives it to you straight, without making you second-guess where they stand on the subject.
Netflix is for people who prefer facts over truth. Facts make great serial killer documentaries. Gaia has none of those. It’s tough to compare the two because they target different audiences. Let’s put it this way, I went through Netflix to get to Gaia. Just like the movie Heal, which I watched on Netflix, was removed, and can now be found on Gaia!
YouTube’s value proposition is also different than Gaia’s. Since we’re not playing around with ads, YouTube Premium (with its comparable price) is the most obvious alternative to Gaia.
You’ll prefer YouTube Premium if:
- You don’t mind spending extra time curating for quality
- You have a diverse range of interests
- You have a short attention span
With Shorts, YouTube has targeted the TikTok audience, their focus on capturing your attention in a bite-sized 60 seconds or less. Again, YouTube is less interested in educating than they are in grabbing eyeballs. Their top earners are great storytellers. You can now be a profitable content creator using nothing but AI. That being said, many big names are putting their podcasts up on YouTube for viewers wanting more.

When it comes to quality and truth on this platform, May The Force Be With You. Since anyone can create videos and upload them on YouTube, you’ll have to be extra decisive on what you want to watch. Compared to Gaia, it is superior in its breadth of content quantity and inferior in its quality control. During the summer of 2020, when the planet took a pause, I could spend weeks aimlessly browsing YouTube for their consortium of astrology videos. Gaia keeps it simple and only hires professionals. Hindsight is 2020, too.
YouTube is intended for people who know what they want. If you don’t, hold onto your hat/schedule. Their algorithm has a way of hooking you in!
2 responses to “How to Learn About Spirituality, Yoga, and UAPs: Is Gaia Worth It?”
Your blog post was like a breath of fresh air. Thank you for reminding me to slow down and appreciate the beauty of life.
This is such a well-researched and well-written article! I’ve gained a new perspective on the topic, and your explanations made everything easy to follow and understand.
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